4 Essential Face Cleansing Steps to Achieving a Radiant Complexion

4 Essential Face Cleansing Steps to Achieving a Radiant Complexion

Reference Lab

JUN 01, 2022

A good facial cleansing routine lays the foundation for healthy skin. Not washing your face properly can lead to clogged pores and pimples, leaving you with acne-prone skin. It can also accelerate aging, leading to fine lines and dark spots, as free radicals from air pollution build up on the skin and damage healthy cells, weakening the skin barrier.

Instead, well-cleaned skin endures less damage from lingering environmental stressors. What’s more, taking the proper face cleansing steps can improve the efficiency of your skin care products as cleansed skin can better absorb ingredients. But, this is only a small handful of the many benefits of cleansing your face. OneSkin put together the four essential face cleansing steps to achieve a radiant complexion. Take a look at how to cleanse your face for an effective skincare routine and the reasons why you should pick a face cleansing routine suitable for your skin type.

How often should you cleanse your skin?

A recent study by Simple surveyed 1,000 women and found that 40% skip cleansing during their skincare routine (1). However, experts recommend using a daily face cleanser at least once a day. Plus, an additional cleanse after exercising to prevent sweat-clogged pores and overly-oily skin is a must. Most experts now agree that a face cleansing routine in the morning is not as necessary since it is usually still clean from the night before, however, some skin types may be better managed by using a facial cleanser in the morning as well.
Besides a sweaty workout, there is no need to wash your face more than two times a day. Overwashing your face can cause more damage to your skin. If you are cleansing too often, your skin may experience:
  • Dry skin/tightness
  • Sensitive with red patches
  • Irritated
  • Oily
By stripping the skin of its natural oils, you are causing skin cells to overproduce sebum. So your skin can be oily and lack hydration at the same time. That’s why it’s essential to know when to use a cleanser vs face wash that will support your skin type.

How do you choose a cleanser for your skin type?

Some people can experience dry skin and irritation without over-cleansing. This may be an indication that they are using a face wash that is too harsh for their skin type. There are a variety of cleansers like a foaming cleanser, oil based cleanser, and face scrub. It is important to know your skin type and what cleanser works best for you. If you are experiencing dry or sensitive skin, try using a gentle gel cleanser rather than a face wash that complements your skincare routine.
A hydrating and gentle cleanser formula helps moisturize dry skin, whereas a face wash with hydroxy acids is best for acne-prone skin2. Meanwhile, oil-based cleansers have soothing properties and are ideal for the double cleansing method or very sensitive skin types.

What is the double cleansing method, and is it necessary or right for all skin types?

Double cleansing is beneficial for ensuring you have removed all impurities from your face. It involves using two different cleansers, ideally an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based one. The oil-based formula removes makeup, sunscreen, sebum, and free radicals. The second cleanser will work more efficiently to give your skin pores a thorough cleanse.
The double cleansing process only needs to be done at night to remove makeup and impurities. While it’s not necessary for all skin types, certain skin types may find it beneficial. For example, the double cleansing method offers a more gentle approach to removing excess sebum for those with sensitive yet oily skin, combination skin or acne-prone skin 3. It’s ideal for acne-prone skin types to gently remove bacteria that lead to breakouts.
Whether or not you choose to double cleanse, you should ensure you properly wash your face every night to remove makeup and clean pores.

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How to cleanse your face:

Once you’ve identified the proper cleansers for your skin type, you also need to know how to incorporate them into your skin care routine. Follow these face cleansing steps for healthy skin:

#1 Wash your hands

Before starting your face cleanup routine, wash your hands to prevent spreading any bacteria to your face.

#2 Double cleanse, optional

If you are using the double cleansing method, use your first cleanser to remove any sunscreen or as a makeup remover. Then follow with your second cleanser. You can also use a washcloth to gently exfoliate your face as it helps remove dead skin cells and promotes brighter, more healthy skin. Just be sure to use gentle pressure, as over-exfoliating the skin can weaken the skin barrier and increase its sensitivity.

#3 Massage the skin

Encourage circulation and stimulate collagen production by gently massaging the product with your fingertips for at least 60 seconds.

#4 Rinse and dry

Rinse your face with lukewarm water to remove any product and pat your face dry. Don’t rub a towel into your face as this can damage your skin and cause fine lines.

Should you be cautious of water temperature when cleaning?

It’s essential to use the proper water temperature when washing your face. It might feel nice to use hot water, but the heat will disrupt your natural oils that protect your skin from free radicals. Instead, it’s best to use lukewarm water that’s warm enough to soften and release face oil and dirt without damaging the barrier of the skin.

What steps should you take after cleansing your face?

Follow up your cleansing routine with a peptide moisturizer or other products that nourish and hydrate the skin, such as OneSkin’s OS-01 FACE Topical Supplement, clinically proven to increase hydration, improve barrier function, and improve skin’s evenness. Be sure to apply your topical skin care products directly after cleansing your face so your skin can easily absorb the active ingredients to protect and refresh your face for glowing skin and a radiant complexion.


  1. https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/beauty/skincare/a27307/double-cleansing-clear-skin/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/how-often-should-you-wash-your-face#other-faq
  3. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/double-cleansing#products-to-use
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